With an improved grating and instrumentation it has been possible to reinvestigate the 13- to 44 Å region of the spectrum and obtain cosiderably improved intensities and peak-to-backgroud ratio (P/B). The Kα emission bands of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon were obtained with extremely good intensities and P/B. The peak intensity for the carbon K band was 24 000 counts/sec with a P/B of 150 for a 1-mA beam current and a potential of 3500 V. The investigation of the L emission spectra of Cr through Cu has revealed that the transition probability for a (d-p) transition is not always greater than that of a (s-p) transition, when these transitions involve energy band electrons. It was also found that the LIII/LII ratio is much closer to the predicted value of 2 than Skinner found. The MIIMIII emission bands, and the MINII, III , MIINI lines of Nb and Mo have been observed for the first time.

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