CLEAN, a generalized lake-ecosystem model with strong ecological realism, has been developed in response to one aspect of the growing need for models suitable for helping man to manage his environment. The model currently consists of twenty-eight ordinary differ ential equations which represent approximately six teen compartments, including attached aquatic plants, phytoplankton, zooplankton, bottom-dwelling aquatic insects, fish, suspended organic matter, decomposers, sediments, and nutrients. These equations can be linked in any meaningful combination to simulate a given point in a lake (a separate model for lake cir culation is available to represent spatial variations and to couple simulations of different regions of the lake). Subprogram functions exist for each principal physiological and ecological process, and a submodel for lake water balance is presently being implemented. The program is written in FORTRAN for UNIVAC and IBM time-sharing systems. The model has provided intuitionally realistic simu lations and has given us insight into the effects of nutrient enrichment on the functioning of the lake ecosystem as a whole. Sensitivity analysis has in dicated priorities for further studies to obtain more precise estimates of parameters. Also, evalua tion of the logic and organization of the model by experimenting with it are providing information to use in planning new experimental approaches. CLEAN is presently being tested using data from Lake George, New York, and Lake Wingra. Wisconsin.

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