Behavioral Traits of Feedlot Steers in Iowa

The activities of randomly selected individual steers within lots with self feeders were studied in Iowa during two summer trials and one winter trial over a 3-year period. Total daily eating time of approximately 2 1/3 hr. was unaffected by season. Time spent eating was significantly affected (P<.01) by period within day in all trials. In summer, the greatest activity occurred in late afternoon (3 to 6 pm) and early evening (6 to 9 pm) and a smaller peak occurred near sunrise (6 to 9 am). In winter, the greatest eating activity occurred in the late afternoon (3 to 6 pm). Both water consumption (P<.001) and time spent drinking (P<.10) were greater during the summer than during the winter (30.7 vs. 19.2 liters; 15.4 vs. 12.2 min.) and varied with temperature within day. Cattle spent significantly more (P<.001) time in shelter during summer than winter (46.8 vs. 21.8% of the day). Copyright © 1973. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1973 by American Society of Animal Science.

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