Twistor-Inspired Construction of Electroweak Vector Boson Currents
We present an extension of the twistor-motivated MHV vertices and accompanying rules presented by Cachazo, Svrvcek and Witten to the construction of vector-boson currents coupling to an arbitrary source. In particular, we give rules for constructing off-shell vector-boson currents with one fermion pair and n gluons of arbitrary helicity. These currents may be employed directly in the computation of electroweak amplitudes. The rules yield expressions in agreement with previously-obtained results for Z,W,\gamma^* --> qbar q + n gluons (analytically up to n=3, beyond via the Berends--Giele recursion relations). We also confirm that the contribution to a seven-point amplitude containing the non-abelian triple vector-boson coupling obtained using the next-to-MHV currents matches the previous result in the literature.Keywords
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