Molecular cloning with bifunctional plasmid vectors in Bacillus subtilis

Recombinant plasmid DNA cloned in E. coli via the bifunctional vector pDH5060 suffered deletions when returned to B. subtilis. However, DNA preparations of identical chimeras containing homologous or heterologous sequences stably transformed B. subtilis at high efficiency when isolated from B. subtilis. The vector pDH5060, however, was not affected and could be stably shuttled between E. coli and B. subtilis at high frequency. These problems affected the transfer of clone pools and individual chimeras, irrespective of the restriction or recombination phenotype of B. subtilis recipients. Deleted chimeras lost at least one end of cloned inserts, and in most cases, flanking plasmid sequences. Single plasmid forms (intact or deleted) were isolated from several hundred individual Cmr-transformants this suggests that events leading to deletion of chimeric plasmid DNA occur during transformation by restriction of unmodified insert sequences propagated in the intermediate host, E. coli. This conclusion is discussed with regard to the mechanism of plasmid transformation in B. subtilis.