BaI product state distribution from the reaction Ba+CF3I

Under single‐collision beam–gas scattering conditions the Ba+CF3I→Bal+CF3 reaction has been studied using laser induced fluorescence to detect the BaI X 2+ product. The resulting BaI C 2Π–X 2+ excitation spectrum has a complex appearance owing to the similarity of the upper and lower state rotational constants, causing a reversal in band shading, and owing to a predissociation in the upper state, causing a break off in the fluorescence of high vibrational levels in each spin‐orbit subband. From the predissociation onset an upper bound of 78.5±0.5 kcal/mol is placed on the BaI bond energy. The vibrational population distribution is shown to be bell shaped, peaking near v‘=50, and accounts for most of the available energy. The average energy appearing in BaI rotation decreases with increasing BaI vibrational excitation. The BaI rotational distribution has a width comparable to that of the vibrational distribution.