Assignment of resonances in the 1H NMR spectrum of human lysozyme

Assignments in the 1H NMR spectrum for more than 120 resonances arising from 38 of the 130 amino acid residues of human lysozyme are presented. Assignments have been achieved using a combination of one and two-dimensional NMR techniques. Two-dimensional double-quantum correlated spectroscopy and relayed coherence transfer spectroscopy were found to be particularly useful for the identification of spin systems in the aromatic and methyl regions of the spectrum. These spin systems were assigned to specific residues in human lysozyme with reference to the X-ray crystal structure using one-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) data and a computer-based search procedure. Unieque assignments were found for resonances of 27 amino acid residues even when a distance constriant on NOE effects of 0.7 nm was used in the search procedure; for the remaining residues closer constraints or additional information were required. The assignments include all but one of the resonances in the aromatic region of the spectrum and all the methyl group resonances in the region upfield of 0.6 ppm. The assignments presented here provide a basis for a comparison of the NMR spectra of human lysozyme and the more widely studied hen lysozyme.