Bacillus licheniformis 6346 MH-1 and a phosphoglucomutase-deficient poorly lytic mutant, B. licheniformis 6346 MH-5, both contain cardiolipin, phosphatidyl ethanolamine, and phosphatidyl glycerol but are devoid of phosphoglycolipids. Gentiobiosyl diglyceride is present in the parent organism but glycolipids are absent from the mutant. Lipoteichoic acid was extracted from the whole cells of MH-5 with hot aqueous phenol and contained fatty acids, glucosamine, and 1,3-polyglycerol phosphate. The fatty acids were predominantly of the branched-chain type and were esterified to hydroxyl groups of a terminal glycerol residue. The polyglycerol phosphate chains contained, on average, 32 to 40 glycerol residues, some of which were substituted at the secondary hydroxyl group with alpha-N-acylglucosaminyl residues. Phenol extraction of the supernatant fluid that remained when walls were removed from preparations of disrupted cells of MH-5 yielded membrane teichoic acid, which consisted of substituted polyglycerol phosphate but was devoid of fatty acids.