Orbital tumors

Since 1962, more than 1400 cases of orbital tumor have been investigated in the Institute of Ophthalmology, King Edward Medical College, Mayo Hospital Lahore, Pakistan. Tumors found in the orbit are of much greater variability than those of the other parts of the body. Four types of orbital tumors are found: (1) those that originate from the orbital contents, (2) those that reach the orbit from the adjacent structures, (3) tumors that may be the manifestation of systemic diseases, and (4) tumors that may be metastases from primary tumors away from the orbit. On comparison with the series of Western workers, i.e. Mayo Clinic U.S.A., a geographical distribution of the orbital tumors is found. Certain tumors like retinoblastomas are rare in the West, but are fatal and behave differently in the East. Malignant melanoma is not common in pigmented races, whereas hemopoietic reticuloendothelial system tumors and granulomas are much more common. The vascular tumors and malformations are less frequent in our series than in those of the Mayo Clinic. Certain interesting tumors will be discussed in the present paper.