Energy Dynamics of Three Low-Order Southeast Alaskan Streams: Autochthonous Production

Physical and biotic processes of three low-order southeast Alaska streams located on Prince of Wales Island were studied. These streams drained an undisturbed watershed representing a coniferous climax forest, a recently logged watershed with little riparian regeneration, and a logged watershed with heavy riparian growth. Community respiration and production were measured in closed, recirculating 12-L Plexiglas metabolism chambers using the dissolved oxygen method. Gross production among the streams varied from 0.1–2.7 g 02-m−2-d−1; respiration varied from 0.1–1.0 g 02-m−2-d−1. Highest rates of production and respiration occurred in the recently logged stream; lowest rates were measured in the mature, climax forest stream. Seasonal differences in production and respiration were apparently influenced by logging.