This paper describes the problem of informative censoring in longitudinal studies where the primary outcome is rate of change in a continuous variable. Standard approaches based on the linear random effects model are valid only when the data are missing in a non‐ignorable fashion. Informative censoring, which is a special type of non‐ignorably missing data, occurs when the probability of early termination is related to an individual subject's true rate of change. When present, informative censoring causes bias in standard likelihood‐based analyses, as well as in weighted averages of individual least‐squares slopes. This paper reviews several methods proposed by others for analysis of informatively censored longitudinal data, and outlines a new approach based on a log‐normal survival model. Maximum likelihood estimates may be obtained via the EM algorithm. Advantages of this approach are that it allows general unbalanced data caused by staggered entry and unequally‐timed visits, it utilizes all available data, including data from patients with only a single measurement, and it provides a unified method for estimating all model parameters. Issues related to study design when informative censoring may occur are also discussed.