Dynamic moduli and damping ratios for cemented sands at low strains

This paper advances the present understanding of the beneficial effects of cementation of sands on their dynamic behavior at low strain amplitudes. The influence of important parameters such as cement content, effective confining pressure, density, and curing period is discussed in detail on the basis of extensive resonant column test results. A newly proposed relationship for maximum dynamic shear modulus is compared with reported relationships. Empirical relations for maximum dynamic Young's modulus, dynamic shear damping, and dynamic longitudinal damping are developed for the first time. All the relations developed are nondimensional and adaptable to any system of units. Correlations between dynamic moduli and static strength from triaxial (drained) tests are developed for an effective confining pressure equal to 49 kPa. Key words: resonant column test, cemented sand, dynamic moduli, dynamic damping.

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