The Metabolism of Perchlorate in the Rat

The disposal of K36C1O4 has been studied in rats maintained on a low iodine (Remington) diet. After intraperitoneal administration the radionuclide reached its maximal concentration in the thyroid, at about 4 hr and at a level of approximately 2.5% of dose per g gland. All the radionuclide in the thyroid was trichloroacetic acid soluble. No significant concentration was found in kidney, liver, brain or spleen. The rates of disappearance of the radionuclide from the plasma and thyroid and rate of appearance in the urine were exponential, with half times of approximately 20 hr. These rates were closely similar to disposal rates of 131I found by others (6). (Endocrinology92: 1536, 1973)

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