Widespread and ancient distribution of a noncanonical genetic code in diplomonads

Recently, a group of diplomonads has been found to use a genetic code in which TAA and TAG encode glutamine rather than termination. To survey the distribution of this characteristic in diplomonads, we sought to identify TAA and TAG codons at positions where glutamine is expected in genes for alpha-tubulin, elongation factor-1 alpha, and the gamma subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor-2. These sequences show that the variant genetic code is utilized by almost all diplomonads, with the genus Giardia alone using the universal genetic code. Comparative phylogenetic analysis reveals that the switch to this genetic code took place very early in the evolution of diplomonads and was likely a single event. Termination signals and downstream untranslated regions were also cloned from three Hexamita genes. In all three of these genes, the predicted TGA termination codon was found at the expected position. Interestingly, the untranslated regions of these genes are high in AT. This is incongruent with the coding regions, which are comparatively GC-rich.

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