A Comparative Study of the Distributions of Renin and Angiotensinogen Messenger Ribonucleic Acids in Rat and Mouse Tissues*

Previous studies have reported the presence of renin mRNAs in several mouse tissues and angiotensinogen nRNAs in various rat tissues. Clarification as to whether renin and angiotensinogen mRNAs are coexpressed in the same tissues of the same animal species is important for understanding the biology of the tissue renin-angiotensin system. We employed mouse renin cDNA and rat angiotensinogen cDNA to compare tissue distributions of renin and angiotensinogen in RNAs of the rat and mouse. Both cDNA probes readily cross-hybridize with the corresponding mRNA of the other species. Our results demonstrate several patterns of distribution. 1) Renin and angiotensinogen mRNAs are readily detected in kidney and adrenals of both species. In brain and heart, angiotensinogen mRNAs are present in concentrations that far exceed renin mRNA levels in these organs in both species. 2) In mouse and rat livers, angiotensinogen, but not renin, mRNA is demonstrated. 3) In rat testis, only renin mRNA can be detected, whereas in mouse testes both renin and angiotensinogen mRNA are present. 4) In CD-1 male mouse submandibular gland, renin mRNA exists in high concentrations, whereas angiotensinogen mRNA is present in low levels. In contrast, neither renin nor angiotensinogen mRNA could be detected in rat salivary gland. In summary, our study demonstrates the widespread codistribution of renin and angiotensinogen mRNAs in many tissues of both species, allowing for the possibility of local angiotensin production. However, tissue and species differences in these gene expressions also exist. Understanding differential tissue expressions of these genes will provide additional important insight into the biology of the renin-angiotensin system.