The oak leaf miners P. quercifoliella and P. harrisella were encountered at first generation densities of 40 and 48 mines per 1000 leaves in 1968 and 1969 and second generation densities of 179 and 211 mines per 1000 leaves. The 1969 densities for the two generations of P. maestingella on beech were 54 and 118 mines per 1000 leaves. The mines on oak were found to be aggregated on certain trees but the reason for this was not discovered. There was also aggregation on certain leaves within a tree. The moths had two generations of adults per year at Dunham, the first generation mines appearing on the leaves in June and the second generation mines in August. P. maestingella seemed to be slightly in advance of the oak species. The sampling data provided estimates of the mortality through 1969. Larval interference and mine damage caused negligible mortality. Death due to unknown factors figured prominently in the early instars but in the later instars, especially during the second generation, parasitism was important. Leaf browning was an added source of mortality in the second generation as was overwintering. Fifteen species of hymenopterous parasites were bred from Phyllonorycter on oak and eight from P. maestingella on beech. Among these were some new host records. T. ecus was the most common first generation parasite of oak mines and C. nephereus. E. latreillei, S. sericeicornis, C. diallus and C. vittatus figured prominently in the second generation parasite complex. E. cilla was the commonest parasite of both generations of P. maestingella.