To establish their theory of the structure factor for liquid helium, Mihara and Puff argue the validity of the relation H^3FEF3(k)+4Kε(k)EF(k) which expresses the ω3 moment H3F in terms of the Bijl-Feynman excitation spectrum EF(k), the free boson excitation spectrum ε(k), and the kinetic energy per particle of the liquid in its groundstate, K. In this paper we show that ~ means "is equal to for wave numbers greater than about 2A1" for the case of liquid helium and that it means "is exactly equal to" for the case of a low-density Bose fluid. The latter result has the interesting effect of providing a means of deriving the Bogoliubov theory of a weakly coupled Bose system without the well-known canonical transformation of the Hamiltonian.