Collars, ear-markers, and ear tags were attached to Roosevelt elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti) and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus) in Oregon. Collar flaps made of 18-oz "Herculite 80" were the most satisfactory for both elk and deer. Eightly-nine percent of the elk collar flaps were intact after 6 months and 82% of the deer collar flaps after 8 to 9 months. Reinforced Herculite 80 earmarkers resisted folding but showed a fairly low rate of retention in elk; only 46% remained after 6 months. "Dayglo Saflag" earmarkers were retained best on both elk (79%) and deer (87%). Ear tags with round post attachments were most suitable for securing fabric earmarkers because they were less apt to be torn through the ear cartilage. The aluminum "Perfect" ear tags were the most satisfactory for use without fabric earmarkers.