Experiments on arrays of globally coupled chaotic electrochemical oscillators: Synchronization and clustering

Experiments on chaotically oscillating arrays of 64 nickel electrodes in sulfuric acid were carried out. External resistors in parallel and series are added to vary the extent of global coupling among the oscillators without changing the other properties of the system. The array is heterogeneous due to small variations in the properties of the electrodes and there is also a small amount of noise. The addition of global coupling transforms a system of independent elements to a state of complete synchronization. At intermediate coupling strengths stable clusters, or condensates of elements, form. All the elements in a cluster follow the same chaotic trajectory but each cluster has its own dynamics; the system is thus temporally chaotic but spatially ordered. Many cluster configurations occur under the same conditions and transitions among them can be produced. For values of the coupling parameter on either side of the stable cluster region a non-stationary behavior occurs in which clustered and synchronized states alternately form and break up. Some statistical properties of the cluster states are determined.