The lens, iris, and ciliary body from the eyes of patients with glaucoma with cataract were examined via electron microscopy, and the following results obtained. Zonular bundles were encrusted with accumulations of pseudoexfoliative (PE) materials and fragmented zonular fibrils, especially on their lateral aspects. PE materials ranged from 300 to 400 Å in width, consisting of several subunits about 100 Å wide. Pigment epithelial cells of the iris and nonpigmented epithelial cells of the ciliary process occasionally contained many phagosomes engulfing pigment granules. Near the ciliary process, degenerating zonular bundles were mostly replaced with PE materials and fragmented zonular fibrils, and a gradual transition was observed between them. From the above findings, it is probable that PE material might be mainly composed of degenerated zonular fibrils, which are presumed to be digested with lysosomal enzymes.