How Diabetes Specialists Treat Their Own Diabetes: Findings From a Study of the AADE and ADA Membership

PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to determine how diabetes specialists, who themselves have diabetes, manage their own care. METHODS An independent research organization faxed anonymous, 1-page surveys to all professional members of the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) who had valid fax numbers. Only those individuals with diabetes were asked to fill out and return the survey. RESULTS Of the 12 525 surveys that were distributed, 802 (6.4%) were returned. The prevalence of type 1 diabetes in this sample was estimated to be 13 times higher than in the general US population, whereas the prevalence of type 2 diabetes was 42% to 54% lower. Of the respondents with type 1 diabetes, most (96%) practiced intensive treatment regimens, and more than half used an insulin infusion pump. CONCLUSIONS Diabetes specialists treat their own diabetes according to current standards of medical care, with insulin pumps being the preferred method of insulin therapy for type 1 diabetes in this sample. Knowing that experts almost universally practice intensive treatment regimens may be a powerful motivator for patients and sends a strong message to primary care providers and payers regarding the need for treating diabetes according to current standards of care.