Der Stoffwechsel geschädigter Gewebe, XVI. Veränderungen des ATP-Gehaltes, der ATP-Spaltung, der Mitochondrienfunktion und des Sedimentationsverhaltens der Leberzellfraktionen nach CCl4-Schädigung

The sedimentation of liver mitochondria and microsomes was studied, with succinate dehydro-genase, amylase and glucose-6-phosphatase as reference enzymes. After CCl4 damage, more mitochondria were sedimented with the nuclear fraction. Ergastoplasmic membrane material appeared to increase in the nuclear and mitochondrial fractions. Ribosomes increased in the supernatant. The ATP concentration decreased continuously during the 4-24 hours after liver damage. This was the result of a disturbed mitochondrial function and an increased hydrolysis of ATP in the mitochondria and microscomes. It is proposed that the disturbance of mitochondrial function is a secondary process, and probably the result of a preceding alteration of the ergastoplasm.