Syncytia inhibition by immune lymphocytes: in vitro test for immunity to canine distemper

A simple and rapid (24 h) assay for peripheral blood lymphocyte-associated immunity to canine distemper virus (CDV) was described. The test is based upon leukocyte-associated inhibition of CDV-induced syncytia formation in [African green monkey kidney] Vero cells. The technique quantitates the response morphologically, thereby eliminating the requirement for release of radiolabeled compounds. Positive results were determined from specific-pathogen-free and gnotobiotic dogs exposed to CDV via hyperimmunization, vaccination with a modified live virus vaccine and after virulent virus infection. Preinoculation lymphocytes and lymphocytes from non-immune dogs did not inhibit CDV-induced syncytia formation. Maximum responses were observed 7-21 days after initial exposure and declined thereafter. The method can be used to further investigate the role of immune lymphocytes in the recovery from CDV infection.