Ambulatory ECG Recording in Patients Referred because of Syncope or Dizziness

Data are presented on patients referred for ambulatory ECG recording because of syncope or dizziness during a 2-year period. Of the 272 consecutive patients subjected to the recording, 107 (39.3%) had syncope or dizziness as the main indication for referral. Sixteen of these patients (14.9%) experienced the presenting symptom during the recording, and in 8 (50%) of these the simultaneous ECG finding was interpreted as causative. In patients who were symptom-free during the recording, sinus arrests exceeding 2.5 seconds seemed to be a valuable finding to support the cardiac aetiology of the syncopal symptoms, whereas the diagnostic value of second degree AV block with either Wenckebach or Mobitz II like patterns, as such, and of ventricular tachycardia remained mostly unsettled.