Modification of the template capacity of liver chromatin for form-B ribonucleic acid polymerase by food intake in rats under controlled feeding schedules

Nuclei from liver of rats accustomed to eating during the first 8h of a daily 12h dark period demonstrate an increased capacity to synthesize RNA 6H after the beginning of the feeding period. 2. This increase is accompanied by a higher yield of extractable form-B DNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity. 3. The endogenous RNA polymerase activity associated with nuclear chromatin is also stimulated by food intake. Both purified and chromatin-associated form-B enzyme activities exhibit different ionic strength requirements after food intake. 4. The sensitivity of exogenous (added) form-B-enzyme to changes in ionic strength changes after feeding when chromatin is used as template. 5. Chromatin extracted from the liver of fed rats is a better template for form-B-enzyme than chromatin extracted from starved rats.