Incorporation of Metal Related Materials into Electrically Neutral Polymers

Metal containing polymers are numerous and highly diverse. Such systems include ionomers, polymer-bound coordinating ligands, organometallic polymers wherein the metal may be a part of the polymer “backbone”, metal-polymer composites and metal incorporated neutral polymers. The latter system, which is reviewed herein, is normally concerned with the modification of polymer properties which may range from electrical conductivity to polymer flammability. Metallic additives may be a metal atom vapor, organometallic compounds, coordination complexes and simple hydrated or anhydrous salts. Representative polymer systems include polyamides, polyimides, polyalcohols, polyesters, polyacetylene, polyethylene and polysiloxane. Each metal is almost a case unto itself regarding a specific polymer property (i.e. different metals produced different properties). The chemical state of the metal and the ligand environment of the metallic species are extremely important concerning polymer and metal compatibility. The literature cited, while not exhaustive, is representative of this rapidly expanding area of polymer research.