Detection of animal and human enteric viruses in water from the Assomption River and its tributaries

Animal enteroviruses, reoviruses, and human enteric viruses were detected in water samples (20 L) from a major river system, the Assomption River in the province of Quebec. Animal enteroviruses, probably of porcine origin (this region is a major producer of pork), were isolated on porcine cell cultures and were found in 29 to 60% of water samples from the different sites on the river and in 19 to 48% of the water samples from the tributaries. The average concentration of these animal enteroviruses in water from the Assomption River was 2 to 7 mpniu/L (most probable number of infectious units per litre), and that from the tributaries varied from 3 to 24 mpniu/L. Reoviruses were detected in infected cell cultures by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Their origin is probably avian (broiler chicken farms) or human (untreated domestic waste waters) and they were detected in 19 to 52% of the water samples from the Assomption River at an average concentration of 3 to 12 mpniu/L. In water samples from the tributaries, 5 to 71% of the samples were positive at an average concentration of 5 to 24 mpniu/L. Human enteric viruses were detected in MA-104 cells by an immunoperoxidase assay using human immune serum globulin. They were detected in 13 to 72% of water samples from the Assomption River and 14 to 71% of the water samples from the tributaries. The average concentration of these human enteric viruses in Assomption River water varied from 1 to 12 and from 2 to 145 mpniu/L in water samples from the tributaries. Seasonal patterns were observed for all viruses with an increase in viral concentration in early fall.