The microscopic theory of a superfluid Fermi liquid at finite temperature is developed for the case of a pure system with S-wave pairing, and applied to the calculation of the static properties. As a function of θTTc these properties are determined entirely by the Landau parameters F0, F1, Z0, etc., characterizing quasiparticle interactions in the normal phase. In particular the spin susceptibility χ and the density of the normal component ρn are given by χ(θ)χ(1)=(1+14Z0)f(θ)[1+14Z0f(θ)], ρnρ=(1+13F1)f(θ)[1+13F1f(θ)], where the universal function f(θ)[ν(0)]1Σp(dndEp) is the "effective density of states near the Fermi surface" relative to its value ν(0) in the normal phase. Thus the often-quoted expression ρn=13Σpp2(dndEp) is valid for an interacting system only in the limit T0. In the latter part of the paper a simple phenomenological theory of "Fermi-liquid" effects on χ and ρn is developed for arbitrary conditions (including the presence of impurities and pairing with l0); it is found that under most circumstances explicit expressions for χ and ρn may be obtained which involve only the Landau parameters and a suitably generalized effective density of states. The theory should apply to the possible superfluid phase of He3 and to most superconductors. It is suggested that the Knight shift in nontransition-metal superconductors should display some "Fermi-liquid" effects. The weak-field dc penetration depth λ(T) is shown to be insensitive to such effects both in the Pippard limit and near Tc; however, in a London superconductor at lower temperatures the correction to λ(T) should be observable and yield a direct estimate of F1.