Early stages in follicle develomnent were followed in osmium- and permanganate-fixed ovaries from neonatal rats. Initially the membranes of the flattened follicle cells and the oocyte are smooth and closely applied. Later isolated intercellular pockets are formed, into which project fine processes from the filiform ends of the follicle cells and from the oocyte surface. These pockets eventually link up to form a continuous perioocyte space in which appear, simultaneously, numerous oocyte microvilli and the Schiff-positive material of the zona pellucida. This is first visible when the apace is 0.3 [mu] wide. Close intercellular contacts are maintained by relatively broad, blunt follicle cell processes. A desmosome-like structure occurs at these points - a feature of interest, since desmosomes are normally associated with contacts between similar cells. Further fine processes branch from the follicle cells in these positions as the perioocyte space widens. Open cytoplasmic oocyte-follicle cell bridges, described by Kemp and by other workers, were not found in the present study.