The effect of PCNB in various concentrations on the ultrastructure of Mucor mucedo and phytophthora cactorum was analyzed after an incubation period of 2 hours. The most striking effect in both fungi was a diffuse lysis of the internal structure of the mitochondria which differs markedly from the lysis induced by etridiazol (terrazol). Moreover an enlargement of the perinuclear space and an increased formation of vacuoles was observed. In Mucor mucedo, but not in Phytophthora cactorum a pathological thickening of the cell wall was observed. Although after 2 hours incubation with PCNB Phytophthora gave similar ultrastructural reactions in the mitochondria as Mucor, in growth experiments on agar dishes this species was 5-10 times less sensitive to PCNB compared to Mucor.