Pentylated organotin standards: Guidelines for their synthesis, purity control and quantification

Pentylated derivatives of six environmentally important organotin compounds were obtained by using a Grignard derivatization. The purity of these pentylated calibrants was checked by gas chromatography–quartz furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GC QFAA) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry ion‐trap detection (GC MS‐ITD). Through combination of the total tin contents of every pentylated organotin standard, obtained after wet acid destruction of 0.5 ml of the respective calibrant, and the species composition or impurities present in the same standard, a well‐defined pentylated organotin standard was obtained which could be used to calibrate GC QFAA and GC atomic emission detection (AED) systems.In a similar way aqueous organotin standards can be obtained, which can be used in spiking experiments to verify the recovery efficiency of a developed analytical extraction procedure for organotins.