Cytokinin-habituated, as compared to nonhabituated Nicotiana tabacum cv. Havana 425 callus was shown to tolerate higher concentrations of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) if cytokinin was added to the medium [Meins, Planta 129, 239–244 (1976)]. Our aim was to clarify whether or not BUdR-resistance and cytokinin-habituation are linked characters in callus cultures of our BUdR-resistant tobacco mutant BR 37/21, obtained from Nicotiana tabacum cv. Ottawa. It is demonstrated that BUdR-resistance and cytokinin-habituation are independent characters in the case of this mutant. Non-habituated BR 37/21 callus grows as a resistant line on a medium containing BUdR at a selective concentration (30 mg/l) whereas cytokinin-habituated callus, not selected for BUdR-resistance, behaves as a sensitive line, i.e. turns brown and dies, on the same medium.