Liver Nucleoproteins in Vitamin B12 Deficiency.

In cytochemical studies on liver tissue from rats fed vitamin B12-deficient or supplemented diets for 6 weeks: (1) total protein showed no change in concentration, but a marked increase in amount per cell, correlated with significant increases in mean cytoplasmic volume for livers of deficient animals; (2) ribonucleic acid (RNA), determined with Azure B binding at pH 4.0, showed a decrease in concentration, but an increase in amount per cell; desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), determined photometrically on Feulgen-stained nuclei was unchanged in amounts per single tetraploid nucleus when compared with B12-supplemented controls; (4) the average amount of DNA per nucleus, when calculated from data on polyploid class frequencies, averaged 6% less than controls, associated with a higher frequency of diploid nuclei.