Outer s-subshell vacancy production in collisions of multiply charged neon and argon ions with neon and argon

Outer s-subshell vacancy production in collisions of Nez+ (z=1, 2, 3, 4) with Ne in the projectile energy range of 25-800 keV, Nez+ (z=1, 2, 3, 4) with Ar at 100 keV and Arz+ (z=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) with Ar at 200 keV has been studied by detection of the resulting vacuum ultraviolet radiation. For Ne+/Ne2+ on Ne comparison is made with other experiments of 2s vacancy production. Generally, the charge-state dependence of the corresponding cross sections can be explained qualitatively by means of a simple curve-crossing model which predicts the largest electron-capture cross sections for moderately exothermic processes. Our total 2s vacancy data for Ne+ on Ne are compared with the recent theoretical cross sections calculated by Fritsch and Wille (1978).