Evacuation gastrique de l'orge et du blé chez le porc

Gastric emptying of ground barley and wheat, only admixed with minerals and vitamins (4 p. 100 of the diet), was studied in 10 pigs of 49 kg live weight fitted with a permanent gastric cannula. The kinetic study was made by collecting residual gastric contents after the meal at 30 min, 1, 2, 4 or 7 h. Dry matter, starch and nitrogen were determined on wet digesta. Three kinetics were established per pig with one test per day. In the case of ground cereals, the validity of this methodology was determined by comparison with results obtained after slaughter (12 additional pigs) 2 h after the meal. The residual gastric amounts were always larger for barley, whatever the variable checked. In the absence of any other significant effect, the multivariate analysis confirmed that gastric emptying of wheat was larger than that of barley. According to the curves (polynomial adjustments) this difference occurred early where after the kinetics of emptying between 30 min. and 7 h were the same for the 2 cereals (parallelism of curves). The factor responsible for this early effect cannot be identified a priori. Results of gastric emptying of starch and nitrogen were compared with data of the literature concerning the absorption of carbohydrates and amino acids derived from the digestion of barley and wheat. It appeared that the gastric emptying was highly responsible for the rate of absorption of reducing sugars and amino acids; however it was not possible to establish whether the emptying was absorption limiting or not.