Physical mapping of a family of interferon-activated genes, serum amyloid P-component, and α-spectrin on mouse chromosome 1

This report defines genetic and physical relationships among α-spectrin (Spna-1), serum amyloid P-component (Sap), and a family of interferon-activated genes, provisionally designatedIfi202, Ifi203, andIfi204. By linkage analysis using a large panel of interspecific backcross mice,Sap, Ifi202, andIfi204 were shown to be tightly linked toSpna-1 on distal mouse chromosome 1. By pulsed field electrophoresis, a genomic restriction map of 6400 kb of distal mouse chromosome 1 was generated, linking genes encodingSap, (Ifi202, Ifi203, Ifi204), andSpna-1 in that order within 450–1000 kb (where the genes within brackets were not ordered). The interferon-activated genesIfi202, Ifi203, andIfi204 were linked within 75–150 kb. Furthermore, genes transcriptionally activated by cytokines, namelySap, Ifi202, Ifi203, andIfi204, were located within 450 kb. These studies suggest the possibility that selective pressure may maintain in physical proximity gene clusters which are under coordinate transcriptional control.