Magnetic Field Dependence of the Superconducting Gap and the Pseudogap in Bi2212 andHgBr2-Bi2212, Studied by Intrinsic Tunneling Spectroscopy

Intrinsic tunneling spectroscopy in high magnetic field ( H) is used for a direct test of superconducting features in the quasiparticle density of states of pure Bi2212 and intercalated HgBr2-Bi2212 high- Tc superconductors. We were able to distinguish with great clarity two coexisting gaps: (i) the superconducting gap, which closes as HHc2(T), and (ii) the c-axis pseudogap, which does not change either with H or with T. Strikingly different H dependencies, together with previously observed different temperature dependencies of the two gaps, speak against a superconducting origin of the pseudogap.