Selective effect of doxorubicin suspended in lipiodol on VX2 carcinoma in rabbits

When Lipiodol Ultra-Fluid (Lipiodol) was given through arteries feeding the tumor, this material was retained in the tumor. After mixing Lipiodol and doxorubicin (adriamycin; ADR), the effect of this antitumor agent on VX2 carcinoma inoculated into the hindlimb in 57 rabbits was investigated. Size of the tumor remarkably decreased in the rabbits treated with ADR 2 mg/kg suspended in Lipiodol and given through the femoral artery. Intraarterial injection of ADR 2 mg/kg alone led to a transient decrease in size of the tumor, but there was a regrowth. The result was comparable to a finding in a group in which half the dose of ADR (1 mg/kg) suspended in Lipiodol was given intraarterially. When ADR 2 mg/kg mixed with Lipiodol was injected directly into the tumor, growth of the tumor was not completely inhibited. Lipiodolized ADR has a prominent antitumor effect, and Lipiodol has the potential to be applied as a carrier of anticancer drugs.