The Respiration ofStreptococcus pyogenes

I. Washed suspensions of [beta]-hemolytic streptococci oxidize glucose aerobically only to a negligible degree. The amt. of anaerobic glycolysis of glucose by these organisms is likewise very low. This negligible respiration is found to be due to the absence of respiratory factors (coenzymes, etc.) in the washed suspensions of streptococci. When yeast extract, serum, yeast extract+serum, or whole blood are added to the washed suspension the aerobic and anaerobic respiration is several-fold accelerated. Attempts to demonstrate the accumulation of detectable amts. of H2O2 in aerobic systems after 2- to 3-hr, periods o respiration failed. The O2 consumption was not accelerated by addition of catalase or whole blood to the system, showing that H2O2 does not accumulate to slow down the respiration.[long dash]II. The aerobic and anaerobic respiration of Str. pyogenes is inhibited by sulfanilamide, hydroxylamine, and its sulfonamide derivatives. The inhibition of respiration takes place in the absence of growth. In the presence of growth the inhibition of respiration results in the proportional inhibition of growth.