Nodulation of specific legumes is controlled by several distinct loci in Rhizobium trifolii

Three distinct loci (designated regions III, IV and V) were identified in the 14 kb Nod region of Rhizobium trifolii strain ANU843 and were found to determine the host range characteristics of this strain. Deletion of region III or region V only from the 14 kb Nod region affected clover nodulation capacity. The introduction to R. Leguminosarum of DNA fragments on multicopy vectors carrying regions III, IV and V (but not smaller fragments) extended the host range of R. leguminosarum so that infection threads and nodules occurred on white clover plants. The same DNA fragments were introduced to the Sym plasmid-cured strain (ANU845) carrying the R. meliloti recombinant nodulation plasmid pRmSL26. Plasmid pRmSL26 alone does not confer root hair curling or nodulation on clover plants. However, the introduction to ANU845 (pRmSL26) of a 1.4 kb fragment carrying R. trifolii region IV only, resulted in the phenotypic activation of marked root hair curling ability to this strain on clovers but no infection events or nodules resulted. Only the transfer of regions III, IV and V to strain ANU845 (pRmSL26) conferred normal nodulation and host range ability of the original wild type R. trifolii strain. These results indicate that the host range genes determine the outcome of early plant-bacterial interactions primarily at the stage of root hair curling and infection.