Explicit Calculation of Pipe‐Network Parameters

An explicit algorithm is presented for directly determining a variety of design, operating, and calibration parameters for pipe networks. The problem solution is based on the reformulation of the steady‐state network equilibrium equations in terms of specified pipe‐system parameters. Since these equations are nonlinear, the incremental Newton‐Raphson method is used as the basic solution procedure. A continuous variable space is assumed for the various parameters, which are selected to exactly satisfy stated pressure and flow requirements at critical nodes and pipes throughout the pipeline systems for a range of operating conditions. This approach offers a basis for determining the optimum values for the various design, operating, and calibration parameters in the sense that the parameters can be calculated to exactly meet the specified pressure and flow constraints. All types of pipe distribution systems can be considered. The solution space is secured through a well‐arranged interaction between network topology, boundary constraints, and network parameters. The feasibility and flexibility of the proposed approach are demonstrated using an example network.

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