Production of calcitonin gene related peptide, calcitonin and PTH‐related protein by a prostatic adenocarcinoma

PTH and calcitonin are the two major hormones controlling calcium metabolism. Recently two new substances related to these hormones have been isolated: calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) and PTH-related protein (PTHrP). CGRP is a potent vasodilator and stimulant of intestinal secretion while PTHrP is probably the agent responsible for humoral hypercalcaemia of malignancy. We report here a patient with a prostatic tumour presenting with vasodilation, diarrhoea and hypercalcaemia. Our investigations revealed that the primary prostatic and liver secondary tumour contained CGRP, calcitonin and PTHrP. Most of the immunoreactive CGRP in the tumour and plasma co-eluted with the biologically active form of CGRP. The circulating levels of CGRP correlated with the presence of the diarrhoea. PTHrP concentration in the tumours was one of the highest reported for any tumour although previous studies may have utilized less than optimal extraction procedures. The somatostatin analogue, octreotide (SMS 201-995), did not reduce the plasma CGRP or the diarrhoea, a finding similar to that seen in patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma and high plasma CGRP. The hypercalcaemia was also unaffected by octreotide administration. This is the first report of a prostatic tumour associated with over-production of calcitonin, PTHrP and CGRP. The major life-threatening effects of this unusual case of prostatic carcinoma were diarrhoea and hypercalcaemia. Both these effects could be tentatively ascribed to newly discovered substances, CGRP and PTHrP. With the greater availability of assays to measure CGRP and PTHrP in plasma, a detailed examination of the incidence of over-production of these substances in various cancers will be possible.