Velocity Dependence of the Differential Cross Sections for the Scattering of Atomic Beams of K and Cs by Hg

Measurements of the velocity dependence of the angular intensity distribution of potassium and cesium beams scattered by a crossed beam of mercury are presented. The alkali beam was velocity selected, with a triangular velocity distribution (half‐intensity width 4.7% of peak velocity); the velocity was varied over the range 185–1000 m/sec. The Hg beam had a thermal distribution; the average Hg speed was ∼235 meters per second. The scattering data have been converted to the center‐of‐mass system. The angular distributions show the expected strong forward scattering and evidence the phenomenon of rainbow scattering. The energy dependence of the rainbow angle is used to evaluate the interatomic potential well depth, interpreted as the dissociation energy De of the 2Σ+ molecular ground state. Values (in erg×1014) thus obtained (±5%) are 7.46 for KHg and 7.72 for CsHg. Absolute values of differential cross sections could not be obtained; only relative cross sections D(θ) are reported. The observed low‐angle behavior D(θ) ∝θ‐ 7/3 serves as direct experimental confirmation of the r—6 dependence of the long‐range attractive potential for K–Hg and Cs–Hg systems.