Management Patterns and Costs of Acute Ischemic Stroke

Background and Purpose —With the ever-increasing pressure on healthcare budgets, we witness a growing demand for evidence of the economic implications of care across many therapeutic areas. Stroke is no exception. Methods —Detailed information on healthcare use was collected in conjunction with two 12-week international trials designed primarily to assess the safety and efficacy of a new potential neuroprotective agent. The information was gathered prospectively by means of a customized resource use instrument that included both acute and long-term inpatient management as well as community care. In this report, the results pertaining to the 1341 acute ischemic stroke patients are described. Results —More than 70% of the mean cost ($13 668) was explained by the initial hospitalization, which averaged 24 days. The total cost and its components varied according to patient age, the presence of comorbidities, and several indicators of disease severity. Pronounced country differences could be observed in the management of this fairly homogeneous patient group. Conclusions —This study provides a comprehensive picture of the healthcare services used for the treatment and rehabilitation of stroke victims, presented with respect to various patient and disease characteristics. It is expected that researchers evaluating the cost-efficiency of specific stroke treatments will benefit from the detailed information presented in this report.