Refractive index of a dilute Bose gas

We derive the dispersion relation for the propagation of quasiresonant light with frequency ωL in an ultracold gas of bosonic atoms in the dilute regime, i.e., for an atomic density ρ0≪(ωL/c)3. In our calculation, valid up to order 2 in density, two types of corrections to the Lorentz-Lorenz formula for the refractive index appear. The first one is due to the bosonic nature of the atoms and its contribution is related to the two-body correlation function. The second correction originates from multiple scattering of photons within pairs of close atoms, giving rise to the resonant van der Waals interaction. The temperature dependence of the refractive index gives a clear signature of quantum statistical effects, even if the degeneracy threshold for Bose-Einstein condensation is not reached.