Equivalence between the nonlinearσmodel and the spin-(1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model: Spin correlations inLa2CuO4

We study the continuum limit of the quantum nonlinear σ model in 2+1 dimensions and at finite temperature T using both Monte Carlo simulation on large-size lattices (1002×8 is our largest-size lattice) and saddle-point approximation. At zero temperature, we find the critical point gc that separates the quantum disordered phase from the phase with spontaneous symmetry breaking (nonzero staggered magnetization). We calculate the model’s renormalization group β function close to the critical point. Using the β function, we rescale the correlation lengths calculated at various values of the coupling constant (spin stiffness) and temperature and find that they all collapse on the same curve ξ/aσ=f(T/Tσ). Even though the lattice spacing vanishes, a finite unit of length aσ and a temperature scale Tσ is generated via dimensional transmutation. Assuming that the nonlinear σ model and the spin-(1/2 antiferromagnetic (AF) Heisenberg model are equivalent at low temperature, we relate the units aσ and Tσ to the lattice spacing aH and the AF coupling J of the Heisenberg model so that the correlation lengths obtained from the simulation of the two models agree. In order to achieve this agreement we find that (a) the spin-(1/2 AF Heisenberg model should order at T=0 and (b) the relationship between the scales aσ,Tσ and aH, J is obtained, and f(T/Tσ) can be accurately approximated by an exponential of Tσ/T below gc. We obtain a reasonable fit to the neutron scattering data of the insulator La2 CuO4 by taking J=1270 K, a value close to that reported by Raman scattering experiments.