It is shown that the frequency-temperature spectrum recently observed by Wu et al. in developed convective turbulence, FTT(ω)∝ω1.4, follows from the condition that the entropy flux in $ k — space is constant, just as the Kolmogorov-Obukhov spectrum of barotropic turbulence, FVV(k)≃(ɛ/ρ)2/3 k11/3, follows from the condition kinetic-energy flux ɛ(k)=ɛ. On the contrary, for convective turbulence ɛ(k) changes as k4/5 because of conversion of kinetic energy into a potential energy, which leads to a stronger k dependence of the double velocity moment [FVV(k)∝k21/5] than that for barotropic turbulence.