Design Concept for a 100 GeV E+-E- Storage Ring

A conceptual design of a 100 GeV e + -e - storage ring (LEP) being studied at CERN and some of the problems encountered are presented. The 20 GeV fastcycling injector synchrotron is studied at the Rutherford Laboratory. 1 To obtain a luminosity L = 1 × 10 32 cm -2 s -1 at 100 GeV, the product of bending radius ρ and the RF power P B delivered to both beams must be P B ρ = 136 GWm, assuming optimum coupling, a maximum permissible beam-beam tune shift ΔQ = 0.06, and a vertical amplitude function ß y * = 0.01 m at the crossings. The bending radius ρ = 6.1 km was obtained by cost optimisation. 2

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