Isolation and characterization of the gene for the murine T cell differentiation antigen and immunoglobulin-related molecule, Lyt-2

We present here the sequence of the 5310 base pair Hind III-cleaved genomic DNA segment that includes the gene for the Lyt-2, a murine differentiation antigen expressed on most immature T lymphocytes as well as the cytotoxic suppressor T cell subset. We also present the complete intron/exon structure of Lyt-2. There are five exons: a fused leader and immunoglobulin variable region like exon, a hinge region exon, a transmembrane exon and two alternatively spliced intracytoplasmic exons (alternative splicing of these exons yields the 38 kDa alpha Lyt-2 and 34 kDa alpha' Lyt-2 polypeptides). The promoter region contains a “TATA” box and sequences homologous to the putative immunoglobulin transcriptional control elements cd/pd. S1 protection analysis reveals that thymocytee, T cells from lymph nodes, and a Lyt-2 transfectant obtained by introduction of total genomic DNA have the same initiation site. In the 3' region, there is a polyadenylation signal sequence after a 700 bp long 3' untranslated region.