Argininosuccinase has been purified from wild-type Neurospora crassa, strain ST.A. The purified enzyme, which is homogeneous by the criteria of analytical centrifugation and starch-gel electrophoresis, has a molecular weight of about 175,000. The enzyme has also been partially purified from a heterokaryon between the arg-10 mutant stocks B317–9–9a and 402–3a.The reaction kinetics of the two enzymes were compared in several respects, and they were found to be indistinguishable. The enzymes were also indistinguishable by starch-gel electrophoresis, and sedimented at the same rate through a sucrose gradient. It seems likely, however, that the enzymes do differ physically since they showed different affinities for both calcium phosphate gel and hydroxylapatite during purification.